Wala'a Nezar | Welcome

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Mechanical and Machine Design

The assignment for this week was to design a machine that includes mechanism +actuation+ automation, build the mechanical parts and operate it manually, and then for the machine assignment we had to actuate and automate our machine.

We decided to make a small candy dispensing machine, it contains a candy in a jar and when you touch the side panel it should extract one candy.

3D Design with Fusion 360

We started with the Fusion360 to design the machine, this was my part, since we decided to make it using the wood shopbot CNC machine, we designed it as layers each layer with thickness of 28 mm as our stock was. We used a hard Swedish wood its thickness was 32 mm but after using the thickener to make it flat its width became 28mm.

The most challenging part was designing the rotatory desk, since we are using a DC motor which its position or rotations cant be controlled by coding, we needed a limit switch. So, we added the limit switch under the desk and created a groove inside it from the bottom. You can see its concept in the below images. 10/11

Below you can see all the design steps, all the parts made with one side milling required only, to make the manufacturing process easier.

you can find the full documentation for the machine building process in FabLab Irbid Site, and the Machine Building assignmnet.

Download the FUSION file Download the DXF files Download the STL files Download the schematic and board